My grandmother always used to tell me that you are in no position to help others until you have helped yourself. I am a big fan of that motto. From time to time I have to remind my own girls to stop helping their boyfriends so much to the detriment of their own well being. I guess they see how well their mother takes care of my needs and they figure they should do the same. The only difference is that I have put their mother in a position to help others because I take care of us with my affiliate income.
You too can be of help to others. Whether that help be as simple as making sure little hell cats get fed plenty of meaty cock or by gifting money to local charities. What you choose to do in order to help out the world is entirely up to you. How you go about making the money to pay for it all is what I am going to help you with here.
Right now the best way to make good money is Dating affiliate programs like Dating Gold. They have a solid track record of paying out to webmasters and they have helpful managers that will get your started. Soon you will be on your way to helping the world!